Update from the Conservation Lab

The artefact collection of the BSM continues to grow through donations and purchases. For the past ten years we having been struggling with diminishing storage space along with the need to store items made of modern materials in an appropriate environment. The original architectural plan for the museum included the design of a potential third storage room that could be retro fitted when the need arose.

In 2019 we reorganized all the items stored in the room we call ‘061’. There were paint cans, old display cases, etc. for which new homes were found. In 2020 we hired an outside conservation company to prepare a feasibility study for this new storage room. For the past year we have been using this room to house overflow on adhoc tabletops made from old show case bases as seen in the photos below.

February is the beginning of the first phase of preparing this room for its new purpose. The walls will be painted, additional overhead lighting will be added and we will test the floor to determine what kind of sealant will be used for waterproofing.

More updates with photos to come as we work through the many stages of this project.

Ada Hopkins, BSM Conservator

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